Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Basil and tomato  Pasta.

1 cup of fresh basil
handful of fresh parsley
2 sprigs of oregano
1 sprig of spicy oregano
2 tbls melted butter (substitute veg oil for vegan recipe.)
Parmesan cheese  (omit for vegan recipe.)

cut up herbs finely
add chop tomato
cover with melted butter and sprinkle on cheese (omit for vegan recipe.)

stir all
add to cooked tortellinis (vegan option of pasta.)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dill Salad

 Think dill is just for pickles?  Not true.  Dill is a great herb, easy to grow and delicious to eat.  This is a fantastic simple vegan dish that is a summer time favorite in our house. 

You will need:
1 cucumber
handful of fresh dill
1/2 cup of carrots
apple cider vinegar

Prep time 5 minutes.

slice up one cucumber in quarters
chop up a handful of dill
chop up a half cup of carrots
cover with apple cider vinegar

prepare first and allow to soak while you make the rest of your meal it tastes better the longer it soaks.
This is an easy way  to introduce fresh herbs to your plate.